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Animated Typographic Architecture Is A Design Nerd's Dream

12:11 PMACTZone Indonesia

German creative firm Deepblue Networks made elaborate animated letter-buildings for their latest promotional campaign.
Elaborate typography + fantasy architecture + GIFs + clever logo design = German creative firm Deepblue Networks latest promotional campaign and a design nerd’s complete breakfast. The firm collaborated with illustrator and graphic designer Florian Schommer of Hamburg-based Kjosk Collective to create this series of animated buildings shaped like the letters of their logo (DEEPBLUE). Each building-letter is filled with little Sim-like people running around, and represents a department within the firm, including art direction, copywriting, interaction design, and motion graphics.


The animated site is meant to explain to visitors and potential hires how the firm works, in a much more exciting way than most corporations’ "Who We Are" pages do. But it still feels less like a promotional campaign than it does a digital children's picture book—you can find weird details on each of the buildings' stories (a man boxing an alien; a body turning into a skeleton).

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