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Budget Friendly Storage Ideas

9:18 PMACTZone Indonesia

Are you organised or like things to be organised – A place for everything and everything in it's place!
Budget Friendly Storage Ideas Main Image
There is a wide variety of ingenious ways to store your possessions without affecting your bank balance too much.  We have picked the ones that will be most help to you in creating your very own storage empire.
EZ Shelving
EZ Shelving is a simple straight forward system that can be installed by one person in no time at all. It is available in a range of sizes and multiple options that allows you to customise it to your personal requirements.
EZ Shelving
Suitcase Storage
Old vintage suitcases make ideal solutions for storage due to their ability to store and make a design statement all in one!
Suitcase Storage
Crate Storage
Old wooden crates can be used for storage with a bit of creative imagination by writing on them. They can be painted, waxed or left in their original condition.
Crate Storage
Magnetic Holders
Magnetic holders work fantastically well whether in the kitchen or garage. If you the kind of person who likes to have your tools to hand then what are you waiting for?  You need to get one now.
Magnetic Holder
Wall Hanging Storage Jars
We all have scrap wood lying around in the garage or shed. Why not put it too good use with the addition of clamps (Similar to hose clips but larger) to make holders to place your jars on the wall.
Wall Hanging Storage Jars
Tin Can Wall Storage
Instead of throwing away tin cans recycle and use them for storage for small items.
Tin Can Wall Storage
Sliding Ceiling Storage
Ceilings in your garage can be used effectively by creating a simple slide out storage system for items that you don't regularly use.
Sliding Ceiling Storage

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