I’m not sure if you have seen our previous features of planters.
There were amazing planter designs that we have shared to you here on
Home Design Lover. Some were even DIY stuff from recycled materials.
Still others can be bough straight from the market made from different
kinds of furniture. There are planters can be placed on the floor while
others are smaller and could be placed as a centerpiece or in side
tables. Some are also good for outdoor use too but others are merely for
indoor use. The design may also vary and could tell us which part of
the home we could add it. Even bathrooms have planters too. Yup, we
don’t just see that in the garden. Today, we will show you another
planter with a creative and unique design. It even looks futuristic too
as it is molded in a very distinct way.
This cactus planter is called Domsai. Strange types of cactuses are
placed under a glass bell with ceramic supports. It looks like an alien
of some sort when you look at it because of its legs and the glass that
seems like a head. The top part which is made from glass vary in shapes
and form. It is like the head comes in different looks as if they were
really from some creatures bearing a cactus right inside their head. It
can be a good addition to your desk too as it will being an interesting
appeal to your personal space. You can use only one planter or you can
cluster them together.Come take a look at the Domsai below.
Look at the variety of designs of the planter’s glass bell. It seems to give a different personality to each one of them.
The top potion of the Domsai looks like they are glass blown but I am not certain about it though. The size of these is 14x14x28cm.

The Domsai is made from ceramic, pirex and the cactus. These are all handmade too showing us that each item is amde from the heart.

If you are a cactus collector, then this would be a lovely addition to your collection for sure.

With a pointy top, this one looks like a bulb. Each one looks totally distinct from the other.

And it is also available in gold finish. So, if you want some elegant item as a cactus planter, this could be perfect.
Very interesting indeed! These cactus planters are from Monotono and are designed by Matteo Cibic. There is really so much from a man’s imagination just like what we saw in these creative items that we can use for our home. It would look great even on a corner table for a unique twist. Or you can add them on your shelving too. I wonder if there are larger versions for this one so because I guess they will look great on the hallway or even in the foyer. Are you into unique stuffs like this? Would you get one, then?