ARTICLE featured

Live // In a work of art

11:20 AMACTZone Indonesia

light walls / a thousand threads #architecture #home #designlight walls / a thousand threads #architecture #home #design
As someone who finds herself styling a picture or two now and then, I’m always looking at, and learning about, the light… the way it comes clamoring into our bedroom in the morning, and dances across our little home studio (otherwise known as that one corner with all the windows) at night. The way that it can be manipulated, and way that it can’t. And especially how it always seems to manage to make or break my day… leaving me to curl up in a blanket for an extended nap and a big cup of something warm, or pulling me out of my bed ready to conquer the world.
This little home uses the light as a design element, with sky lights and beams that cast patterns on the walls and floors, bringing the light, and the day, into the house just that much more. And making those sunny days just that much better…

light walls / a thousand threads #architecture #home #designlight walls / a thousand threads #architecture #home #designlight walls / a thousand threads #architecture #home #designlight walls / a thousand threads #architecture #home #designlight walls / a thousand threads #architecture #home #designlight walls / a thousand threads #architecture #home #designlight walls / a thousand threads #architecture #home #design

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